Sunday, May 17, 2009

Planning, Enterpreunership

Some of you know, I've been trying to get an idea off the ground. We are a bunch of techie guys who believe in it, and are going forward. However, NONE of us has an actual business degree, so we kept trying to postpone the creation of a business plan. BAD IDEA.

I've come to realize, the Business plan, even though it may not be the most accurate or even come close to reality once things touch the ground, gives us a PLAN, or atleast something to refer to, to think about where we want to go. I believe it's extremely important to have a plan on where you want to go. You can't just start something and expect it to take off without a plan.

I guess it's time for me to dig up my plan which was written LONG LONG time ago, rethink it for the current scenario and move it forward. We've just internally released a pretty decent upgrade, and on a crusade to fix some bugs. Once thats done, and we a add a couple of features I really really want, I think we'll be ready for our much larger alpha! Yaay!

Ofcourse, I also have another idea, but can't seem to get the right people together for it! Damn it!

The other thing I've found is, you need a team of people who are all as enthusiastic about the product as you are. That core team is extremely important. I've found that 2 or 3 people tops for the core team is always good, and complementary skills is a must!

Its unfortunate that here in the US of A, unless you have globs of money to put into your startup, you're not allowed to legally start a company (as an immigrant) :(.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you cant start an entrepreneurship in the U S and A, move on to another country. There are plenty of countries out there that will allow you to set up businesses...