Thursday, March 11, 2010

What have I been doing?

Well...the past few months have been grueling at work (and still continues to be). My friends keep telling me to take a break, and its high time I do, but unfortunately...I'm addicted to it (for now)...

So...what have I done / learnt this past few months (starting November) with work?

Well...designed, architected (with a colleague) and currently leading the build of a Highly available Geo Clustered Oracle RAC cluster with Weblogic running on Sun Blades.

Whats cool about it....well ..everything is :-)
1. Implementing virtualization with Sun LDOMs & Zones.
2. Implemented a Sun Cluster to provide highly available Network File Storage (I keep thinking this would have been incredibly useful at my previous job, since we used to only NFS mount our shared storage area) instead of spending tons of money on redundant NAS devices (filers as some people like to call them in the Sun world)
3. Created an infrastructure so that any new Solaris or Linux machines can be quickly imaged with Jumpstart.
4. Implemented Sun directory server for LDAP with replication.
5. Java memory troubleshooting....

and many more...but those are some of the highlights.

On the personal front though....
We celebrated our 6 year anniversary...
and ofcourse we announced that we're expecting another child due in September!