Wednesday, March 18, 2009

IBM buying Sun......

There are talks that IBM may be buying Sun for $6.5 billion. I'm hoping this deal goes through. You may already know that I'm a huge fan of Sun hardware. However, their sales staff SUCK SUCK SUCK. You could find a still functioning team at Lehman Brothers probably better than Sun sales staff (I've dealt with them now in 2 states and a few times).

Why do I say that? I say it because
1. They never follow up with you.
2. You could call them - tell them I want to buy your hardware - and still not hear back with BASIC information that would allow you to finish pricing your stuff.
3. Even when they know you're going to buy their hardware if they give you information, they take their own sweet time with it.
4. If you start a sales call - they never bother to follow up on what happened or if you need more information or read 2.

(Yeah - all the above are almost the same - but I'm venting a little too )

So - with that said - IBM - I give you my blessing :-) Please fire the Sales staff - keep their techies, but please fire the Sun sales staff. You'd probably INCREASE your sales of Sun hardware after you've fired the sales staff!


Kirk Gray said...

Well, for your sales complaints, fine, but here's why we don't want that:

IBM will retire and decrease competition in:

1) IDE (Netbeans, which is finally coming into its own)
2) J2EE Appserver (Glassfish)
3) Free DBs - (Would they really have the nerve to push DB2 over mysql development? God I hope not)

Murali said...

I think mysql has too large an audience to mess with it. I dont know how many startups think --Oh lets use DB2!

They could always spin off NetBeans into its own project and let people who contribute contribute.

Murali said...

Oh yeah - and it will make the sun as a company a lot more viable!

Kirk Gray said...

Do you honestly think that Sun as a company will continue to exist? Where is the synergy? Really. I don't see the synergy here. I think Sun will be gone, the shareholders will be pleased at that price, and competition in the Java space will be decreased. I don't see it happening, and if it did I think it'd be a bad thing.

Murali said...

I dont see their hardware disappearing anytime soon. Competition in the Java space - you need to tell me more about it.

Hopefully they don't destroy Java itself!