Friday, April 04, 2008

Coradiant - How I use it

In my previous post Performance Testing I spoke about using Coradiant to figure out what to performance test. I must note here that Coradiant is only good for HTTP / HTTPS applications (basically webapps, for other apps, you can't use this tool)

So, what do I use Coradiant for?

1. Keep an eye on the application as a whole.
2. Figure out why, how and where a User is having trouble. (Especially when they call help and it gets escalated, this is just an awesome way to figure out where the trouble is - is it the network or the server)
3. Figure out what to put in my Loadrunner tests.
4. Help the sys admins by creating some really useful watch points to let us know what the error pages are. We found that our application was so clean (in terms of 404s), the only offending link was a missing css.
5. See if users having trouble are having trouble because of application issues or network issues, so that the correct people are notified.
6. Proactively find where pages are taking too long and let people know.
7. Use their Truesight & TruesightBI product to generate some Before and After fix graphs to validate any particular fix that has been moved into production.

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