Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Open letter - call to arms for the Rescue package

Another open letter to Obama...something I wish he would say or something along these lines...

Dear American People: Today the Congress didn't pass a very important bill and I understand many of you called your Congressman / woman to oppose the bill because it's a bail out for Wall St & their bad investments. However unfortunate it is, what affects us affects them and vice versa. Today, the big banks and investment houses on Wall street are crumbling, because they are unable to get loans. What this means to us, the ordinary consumer, is that when we want to buy a car there wont be money available or when you want to get a loan to grow your small business, buy a tractor to farm your land or buy seed, the interest rate you will pay will be beyond the normal, and perhaps wont allow you to get a profit. The young people who are starting a family and need a loan to buy a house ...wont have the ability to get a mortgage. This is why this bill is important. While it looks ridiculous that we the tax payer, have to bear the burden, it is because the stakes are so high, that the government has to intervene. The Government must be the place where an ordinary American can go to get help, but it should also be the place where businesses come as a last resort.

Tonight, we must take this step to help these businesses, while keeping our core principles of oversight and protection for the tax payer we must make sure that the American financial system is better and healthier, and this is why this package is that important.
I urge you to call your representative in the house and senate and tell them that you will not let America fail and they should not let America fail.
You voted them to be your leader and representative in the government. Tell them to lead and represent you.

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