Monday, April 20, 2009

Oracle buying Sun

Wow - now this is a pleasant surprise. I wonder what Larry Ellison is going to do to piss of Microsoft more? This should be good. I hope they are able to integrate absolutely well and make a great product.

As per my previous post - please fire the Sun sales staff. You'll get more value on day 1 than Sun ever did the past 5 years!

Rant: Why inject race into everything?

It's no surprise that the Metro doesn't have enough money to run its system and balance its budget. So they have to do what everyone else is doing - make cuts to service, layoff people etc.

So - today I was reading the Washington Examiner and I saw the following quote:

Furthermore, the proposal would affect only Metrobus, not Metrorail. The bus system already provides less consistent service, with one of every four buses arriving late. Many of the routes already have truncated schedules, running only during rush hours on weekdays. Meanwhile, transit agency statistics show that Metrorail serves a higher proportion of higher-income and white riders.

“We are balancing the budget on the backs of the low income and people of color,” Craig Simpson testified on behalf of the system’s largest union, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689.

The last statement about balancing budget on the "people of color" totally PISSED ME OFF. Why does race have to factor into this? Then should I inject and say that in the 2 years I've been using the metro system, I've yet to come across a White train operator (I dont know if any of you have) or even at the station booths. Does that mean that Metro is favoring only African Americans at the expense of other MAJORITY folk? WTF.

Get off RACE people. It's only the color of the skin. Everything doesn't have to come down to RACE and people shouldn't use the fact that there was a racial divide about 50 years ago to take advantage of it today and get what they want. If you want to move away from racial difference, perhaps you should stop trying to use it to get what you want in life. Otherwise, you'll always be looked down upon BECAUSE YOU'RE LOOKING DOWN UPON YOURSELF!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Live Search Sucking....

As much as Steve Balmer wants to thump his chest and say they want to "acquire more traffic" and they can provide a great product, their product currently SUCKS. I don't know if it's the lack of traffic, but if can't find MICROSOFTs OWN PRODUCTS properly - how much is it going to find someone elses product better?

Scenario: I'm working on Operations Manager 2007 (aka System Center Ops Manager, Ops Manager 2007) and they have "Management Packs" which are downloadable from Microsoft.

Search Term: ops manager management packs First Result: Windows Virtualization Team Blog First Result: System Center Pack Catalog

Why would a sane person use now?